Saturday, July 02, 2005

"Fat AND Funny" Redux

Remember this post, where I brought to your attention the sizeable talents of Rosie O'Donnell lookalike Andy Milanokis? Well, now, like Rosie, Andy has his own show on MTV. And it is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. Funny as fuck, but stupid as shit. You should check it out.


Anonymous said...

Pollard, I also stumbled upon Andy on some video archive site, then was amazed to see he had his own show! He is a funny little fat bastard, though some skits are just dumb for dumb's sake. Hanna

Jesus Melendez said...

Andy Milonakis is funny BEFORE you realize that he is a 29 year old with a growth hormone disorder. When you take that into account...Tom Green looks like a GENIUS!

Take that!

E said...

So, you're saying Tom Green's not a genius? You, sir, are a blasphemer.

Jesus Melendez said...

I forgot the EVEN MORE in my looks like a know I dig Tom Green.
