Wednesday, January 18, 2006

People Google The Dumbest Things (And Find Them On This Blog)

So, the other day, because I was bored, I was looking through the site referrals in my Sitemeter profile. Most of them say "unknown"; some of them are from people hitting the "Next Blog" button at the top of some other Blogger page. The rest came as search results from Google: people searching for something that just happens to be on this blog. And people look for some stupid stuff.

In fact, if you google "stupidest place," my blog is the third result. If you google the phrases "'Everyone has AIDS'" and "'is not funny'," this blog is numero uno. (Mind you, you have to search for the phrases separately, because I would never say "'Everyone Has AIDS' is not funny," because it's fucking hilarious.) I'm only one of two people who noticed that the new nickel features only "half of Jefferson's head." And, apparently, no one has ever quoted from The 40-Year Old Virgin, because the phrase "lines from The 40-Year Old Virgin" is on this and one other site.

The odd thing about this is that people actually look for things that are on this blog. I "blog" for my own enjoyment, and put down whatever happens to be in my head at the time. The fact that there is at least one other person on this planet that happens to have the same things going through their head at any given time is scary. Time to start writing in coded messages, I guess.

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