Monday, September 25, 2006

CSI Got Pantsed

Ever since CSI moved to its Thursday 9/8c timeslot, it has never lost that timeslot. In fact, it is consistently the highest-rated show of the year. (Actually, American Idol is the highest-rated show, but I won't even acknowledge that as a TV show.)

Then, something funny happened. ABC decided that Grey's Anatomy had gotten its sealegs, and no longer needed its Desperate Housewives lead-in, and moved Grey's against CSI. And, guess what: CSI lost.

Mind you, both show garnered more than 20 million viewers, which is a lot for just two shows, but CSI still lost.

I've got one thing to say about this whole thing: Fuck you, Jerry Bruckheimer; stings, don't it, big boy. There's a reason that Law & Order is no longer a top 10 show, and I think you just figured out why. Bravo.


Anonymous said...

where's your studio 60 review. i know you're a sorkin fan...

E said...

Oh, fine.

Anonymous said...

also want a dustin diamond sex tape post.

E said...

There's only so much I'll do for Screech.

E said...

Why do I think that "James Baker" and "Paul Adams" might be the same person. Hmmm...